FAQ lady with sea shell


Answers to your questions regarding types of assessments, medicare and costs, childrens’ hearing loss, referrals, and alternatives to hearing aids.

What’s the difference between a free hearing screening and a full assessment?
A hearing screening is a short test (usually less than 20 minutes) which assesses your hearing across 4 frequencies using air conduction. A full assessment is a comprehensive test to assess the degree and severity of a hearing loss. It includes a full case history, otoscopy, air conduction and bone conduction, tympanometry and speech testing. A full assessment tests your whole hearing pathway and functional hearing.
How often should I have my hearing tested?
It is generally recommended that hearing be tested every three years. However, if you notice a change or drop in your hearing it is recommended that you have your hearing tested as soon as possible. A sudden hearing loss (SHL) is a medical emergency and should be referred to emergency for steroid treatment.
Can I claim my audiology services through Medicare?
Currently, only those assessed by their GP to have a chronic medical condition that will benefit from audiological services are able to access a Medicare rebate for audiology. However, all DVA and Government Pensioners are entitled to subsidised services. You may also be able to claim your services and devices through your private health insurer.
My child finds it difficult to focus in class. Do they have a hearing loss?
There could be a number of issues that contribute to your child’s performance in a classroom; hearing can be a factor. A full assessment helps us to determine if your child has a loss or if they require further CAPD testing.
Do I need a referral to see an audiologist?

We do not require a referral to provide our clients with assessments and services. Clients with DVA cards and government pensions who wish to access subsidised services under the Office of Hearing Services no longer require a medical certificate signed by their GP. 

I don’t want hearing aids. Is there anything else I can do?

Our university qualified audiologists can provide you with a personalised rehabilitation programme that suits your needs and may not require you to purchase a hearing aid. We also fit a range of assistive listening devices and over the counter wearables which may help to improve your hearing health in some situations.

Office of Hearing Services rebate - Can I claim for devices through my private health fund?
I receive the Office of Hearing Services rebate. Am I still entitled to claim for devices through my private health fund?

Yes. Receiving services through the Government voucher system does not exclude you from claiming a payment from your health fund. If you have contributed towards a ‘top-up device’ you can claim your payment by providing your insurer with a copy of your receipt.

As a pensioner is it easy to switch to a different hearing clinic of my choice?
I am a pensioner and am not happy with my current provider. Is it easy to switch to a different hearing clinic of my choice?

Yes. The government has made it really simple to switch providers. Simply inform your new hearing clinic of your authority to switch providers and they can transfer you via the Office of Hearing Services (OHS) online portal. It takes just a few moments. Contact Shout to get started.

Do your offer any payment plan for hearing devices & ALDs?
We want to make sure that whatever your hearing and communications goals are, you can access the technology that you need. Shout have partnered with EZI-Pay to help. With a small deposit and no interest on the cost of your devices, the payment plan can be tailored to your individual needs and budget. Contact Shout to find out how we can help.