
Tips, advice and news from Shout Hearing Healthcare. Feel free to post your thoughts in the comments section. We want to know what’s important to you!
Wearing masks with a hearing aid…

Wearing masks with a hearing aid…

With COVID 19 safe practices, it is more and more common to encounter people with masks. Masks impact everyone but the impact is greater for people with a hearing loss. Covering the mouth prevents the use of lip cues to help with communicating, particularly in a noisy...

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COVID 19 – Information for our clients and community…

COVID 19 – Information for our clients and community…

Shout Hearing shares our clients’ and community concerns about Coronavirus (COVID 19). We are committed to ensuring the safety of our clients and staff and will continue to closely monitor the situation and to operate in accordance with all government health and...

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Thoughts about our audiology profession…

Thoughts about our audiology profession…

I have been thinking a lot about the recent changes in our profession. When I studied at Macquarie University, our masters degree focused on; 'prevention, diagnosis and management of hearing loss and associated communication difficulties in adults and children'. The...

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Your continued support is a gift to us….

Your continued support is a gift to us….

As Christmas 2019 is soon upon us, and we take time to reflect on our blessings, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to our wonderful clients for their continued and appreciated support. I have always said that family is the perfect word to describe our clients...

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A heartfelt thank you

A heartfelt thank you

As Christmas 2018 is soon upon us and we all gear up to celebrate our hopes and dreams for the New Year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Shout family for their continued support ... not just this year, but since our humble beginnings. I think...

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Beecroft clinic is on the move…

Beecroft clinic is on the move…

We are writing as a courtesy to let you know our Beecroft lease expired on 31st October 2018. Therefore, we have closed our clinic and will be relocating to more appropriate premises in the New Year. In the meantime, we are able to see our clients at our clinic in...

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FREE 20 min Hearing Check…

FREE 20 min Hearing Check…

A hearing check should be just as important as a routine health check with your GP. Hearing loss can progress over time and is often not noticed until you find you are struggling a little more. It may be time to get your hearing checked if you find that you are:...

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Are they a masquerade?

Are they a masquerade?

masquerade definition: /maskəˈreɪd/ noun - a false show or pretence. verb - pretend to be someone one is not. If independence is important to you, make sure your hearing clinic is not masquerading as independent when they are actually owned by a manufacturer. Ask them...

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